Southern Pigskin

Touchdown Club of Atlanta Talks Recruiting

By Southern Pigskin Staff
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The Touchdown Club of Atlanta is offering a free line on-line interactive panel discussion on recruiting.

For most college football fans the recruiting process consists of going though every avenue you can to find out who your team is recruiting. Although the national signing day comes each February, from a recruiting junkie’s perspective it’s a year round sport.

With the evolution of websites, blogs and social networking venues for a college football fan recruiting is big business.

For student athletes and their parents recruiting starts out fun but for many can grow into a 24 hour a day nightmare consisting of calls, text messages and continual questions about the process from friends and family.

The Touchdown Club of Atlanta is offering a free live on-line interactive panel discussion where parents, coaches and recruits can ask any pertinent questions from the comfort of your own home or feel free to come down to Fox Sports Grill in Atlanta and join the conversation live on November 23rd at 7pm.

The panelists include Buddy Curry – All American at the University of North Carolina – Atlanta Falcons star, Dawn Curry – Mother of Jessel Curry a 2009 signee with Auburn, Joe Burns – GA TECH Star, Scott Williams – member of the UGA Championship Team of 1980 and former NFL player.

The Touchdown Club of Atlanta, the oldest touchdown club in the country is sponsoring a live interactive session to discuss the recruiting process and how it affects your family and the recruit. This information is pertinent to all collegiate sports recruiting, not JUST football.

You will be able to ask as many questions as you like and get answers live on the spot.

Some points of interest will include;

-Recruiting – the NCAA clearing house, what you need to do.

-Recruiting – From college perspective, from players perspective and from family’s perspective.

-Expectations of high school coach.

-Expectations of athletes and families

-Myths of recruiting / Hard facts (#of players to reach college/NFL).

-Preparation by athletes and families.

-Applying to schools.

-Recruiting services and guidance counselors.

-Social media and the role it plays in exposure.

The event is free and all currently involved or will so be involved in the recruiting process is encouraged to check this out.

For more information and registration follow the link.

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